Mac 'n' Cheese is an animated short directed and created by four students at the Utrecht School of Arts in the Netherlands. This roughly two minute animation took about five months to make, and about a bajillion peanut butter sandwiches.
Dubstep/DnB with pens and a ruler. Subscribe/check out our channel for more pen beat videos!
Showing our faces at 50K subscribers!
"But out of limitations comes creativity." - Debbie Allen
Using real footage and sounds from a working science lab, the Inside Knowledge team have reconstructed the White Stripes song Seven Nation Army from scratch.
For the full story of the video, check out the Inside Knowledge blog at PLoS:
filmed by Gerd Traue
About 30 Dolphins stranded and saved by local people at Arraial do Cabo (Brazil) in the morning at 8:00 AM on March 5th 2012.
Mehr als 30 Delphine sind heute am frühen Morgen des 05.03.2012 in Arraial do Cabo (Brasilien) gestrandet und von Einheimischen gerettet worden.
Prainha em Arraial do Cabo, Brasil, 5 de Marco 2012, 8:00 horas da manha, aproximadamente 30 Golfinhos nadam em direcao da Praia e sao maravilhosamente salvados por moradores.
To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info.
TNT. We know drama.
Early 2012, HEYHEYHEY had some time to spare and they felt the need to challenge themselves once again, so they set out to build another one of their chain reaction machines called Melvin.
Conveniently built in two old suitcases, Melvin the Mini Machine is a Rube Goldberg machine specifically designed to travel the world. Each time Melvin fully completes a run, he ‘signs’ a postcard and sticks a stamp to it - making it ready to be sent.
Like its bigger brother, Melvin the Mini Machine also has an online non-physical side which he uses to connect to the people he meets. To keep things truly mobile Melvin uses a smartphone for his online identity.
Find out more about Melvin the Mini Machine at