7 January 2011
Ich mag ein YouTube-Video.: when driving under influence of alcohol becomes dancing under influence of a cop
2 February 2011
Ich mag ein YouTube-Video.: Monty Python's Life of Brian - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. "Life's a Piece of Shit, When You Look at It."
10 February 2011
Ich mag ein YouTube-Video.: This is the first clip in a series of video's for Mama Hope's "Stop the Pity. Unlock the Potential." campaign. To learn more about our campaign and see other amazing video's visit Cre...
22 February 2011
I liked a YouTube video: An attempt to make my abundance of empty bottles into something slightly more useful!
23 February 2011
I liked a YouTube video: More about this programme: Dorobo men cut and butcher an already dead wildebeest before taking it away.
26 February 2011
I liked a YouTube video: A fight between an 8-bit superhero and a high-def boss, in a retro-gaming world. Programmer's Note: Assaulting the senses with dazzling visual imagery and gloriously over-the-top action, this high-octane animated adventure plays with classic vi...
19 March 2011
I liked a YouTube video: In the pre match warm up to Manchester City's Europa League match with Dynamo Kiev, one of the costliest young football talents in the world struggles to put his training bib on....!?
9 May 2011
I liked a YouTube video: More info: Like us on Facebook: For our latest mission, a musical breaks out at the GEL Conference in New York. A speaker is suddenly interrupt...
31 May 2011
I liked a YouTube video: Backstory: Like us on Facebook: For our latest mission 23 actors and 2 dogs infiltrated a public space and went on "mute" at coordinated intervals. The...
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