A pack of "Cromags" obtains fire without knowing how to make it. The "Neandert" family is cold. The father sees a smoke in the distance and decides to go...
Tadufeu is a short film directed by : Mickaël Bellamy (character modeling, rendering, 2D/3D compositing, post-production, FX 2d), Coralie Braconnot (animation, blendshapes, editing, stereoscopy), Franck Delfortrie (skinning, object rigging, dynamics, animation), Julien Jamme (animation, layout, character rigging, facial rigging, pipeline, fluid simulation), Olivier Pierre (character and set design, story board, luma script, texturing, lighting, shading, matte painting) and produced by ESMA, Montpellier.
Voices :Benoit Allemane, Jean Robert Lombard, Philippe Peythieu, Véronique Augereau
Music by Yann and Guilhem Cleophas cleophas.net/
Mixed by José Vicente and Yoann Poncet,
Studio des Aviateurs studiodesaviateurs.fr/
Just when you thought they couldn't do it again, they freakin' DID IT AGAIN. Justin Timberlake and Jimmy, together again, HISTORY OF RAP 3.
(Spotify playlist here.)
Misery Bear has turned to desperate measures in a bid to finally make himself happy. Will it work? Or will it have disastrous side effects and end up feeling uncannily like The Terminator (1984) directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton?