2 October 2011
Impressive and stylish projections on buildings, a renewing way of communicating. For those who want to carry out a message in a striking and visually attractive way with guaranteed exposure: 3D Projection on buildings is the communication tool of 2009, and what an impact! NuFormer Digital Media develops high-skill 3D video mapping projections.
14 February 2012


You are in a dark room. You must escape.

New levels and easter eggs added 13/02/12
Current no. of folks who've hit "good" ending: 0
31 March 2012


Google Maps is now available for 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES). Availability in Google Store is TBD but you can try it on your browser by going to and clicking "Quest" in the upper right hand corner of the map.

3 November 2010
Map Directions WIN

Map Directions WIN & &

Epic WIN for directions from Japan to China!


Submitted by: Unknown



12 October 2011


(c) Adam Butcher 2010

Written & Directed by Adam Butcher
Produced by Ed Moline

Na Vrh