A fantastic campaign from German Online Employment Agency, Jobs in Town , that pokes fun at people stuck in the wrong jobs. The campaign entitled “Das Leben ist zu kurz für den falschen Job (Life is too short for the wrong job) “, was created by by Scholz & Friends Berlin (Creative Director: Matthias Spaetgens, Jan Leube) feature people working mundane jobs, powering everyday machines we so often take for granted.
Theme: 'Falling into past - a journey around the world'
128,000 Dominoes / 127,141 Dominoes toppled
Friday, 06th July 2012
Wilhelm-Lückert-Gym Büdingen (Germany)
Builders: 10 (DominoProduktion (6), dominoday111 (2), dominofan238, Linux5324)
The longest domino wall was 30 m (98 ft 5 in) long and consisted of 31,405 dominoes. It was erected and toppled by Sinners Domino Production (Germany) at the Wilhelm-Lückert-Gymnasium in Büdingen, Germany, on 6 July 2012.
The most dominoes toppled in a 3D pyramid was 13,486, achieved by Sinners Domino Production (Germany) at the Wilhelm-Lückert-Gymansium in Büdingen, Germany, on 6 July 2012.