A fantastic campaign from German Online Employment Agency, Jobs in Town , that pokes fun at people stuck in the wrong jobs. The campaign entitled “Das Leben ist zu kurz für den falschen Job (Life is too short for the wrong job) “, was created by by Scholz & Friends Berlin (Creative Director: Matthias Spaetgens, Jan Leube) feature people working mundane jobs, powering everyday machines we so often take for granted.
Almost a billion people live without clean drinking water. We call this the water crisis. It's a crisis because it only starts with water -- but water affects everything in life.
Health. Education. Food security. The lives of women, especially.
Emoticalendar of the Day: The Life Calendar & http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/feedburner/oicv/~3/bOWsZ__9bMo/2146335752 &
Emoticalendar of the Day: The Life Calendar from Brigada Creativa asks "how was your day?"
The perfect day journal for Generation ADD.